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Healthcare Technology (10)

common problems when moving to cloud PACS

Common Problems When Changing from a Local to a Cloud PACS

Do you currently have a local PACS and looking to change over to a cloud PACS solution? As you start looking into different vendors and the solutions they offer, it is helpful to consider the types of issues you may encounter when transitioning over to a cloud-based PACS. Below is a list of the three most common problems organizations have encountered when transitioning from an onsite to cloud PACS. Though it is not meant to be an exhaustive list, it will help you begin to prepare for this shift.  

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is my telehealth program successful?

How Can I Measure the Success Of My Telehealth Program?

Success comes down to value. Value, ultimately, for your patients which can be translated into dollars and cents and happy customers. Given the many healthcare initiatives hospitals can proceed with, why choose second opinions? And if you do, how do you measure the success of that program? 

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the value proposition of a virtual or ‘Digitally Enabled’ healthcare program was abundantly clear. Enabling patients and even healthcare workers to stay home when and where possible freed up essential space in hospitals and other facilities and reduced the risk of transmission.

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can i customize my cloud PACS software

Is Purview Image Customizable?

Can you customize cloud PACS software? Purview is designed to work out of the box, with minimal implementation and set-up required. However, the Purview Team understands that some workflows will require customizable features to truly streamline their practice. Below we elaborate on 3 examples of customizations readily available within the Purview Image platform. 

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is my cloud pacs secure

Can I Lose Medical Images in a Cloud PACS?

Is it possible for cloud PACS software to crash and lose all medical data? Before answering this question, it’s important to understand that no one can guarantee absolute security. An impenetrable system does not exist. However, you should consider the security measures in place from any PACS vendor that you are considering using to protect yourself and your patient's protected health information (PHI).

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