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how can i give remote consults out of state?

I’m a Provider. Can I Give Consults to Patients Outside of My State?

Telehealth exploded at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic as patients and providers scrambled to find safe, effective ways to receive and deliver care remotely. While its popularity has more recently receded, it is fair to say that telehealth is now an engrained component of our healthcare delivery system.

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The Visual Verdict: DICOM vs. JPG Images in Legal Proceedings

When an attorney is deciding between easy-to-handle JPG images or larger and bulkier DICOM files to illustrate their clients’ medical issues, which is better? Should you take the easy way out? 

What you may not know is that the file format for these images can significantly differ, impacting their integrity and relevancy to your case. If winning your case is important to you or your client, you probably shouldn't take the easy way out. 

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When is a patient a patient?

Hospitals and their specialist providers often raise the question: “When does a patient become ‘my patient,’” when seeking to provide medical services remotely, where the patient is in a geography that doesn’t fall within their current licensure. While this may seem like a simple question, its complexity can be determinative of a potentially complex legal issue.

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Navigating Turbulent Legal Waters: HIPAA Responsibilities for Lawyers Handling Private Health Information in Litigation

Attorneys who handle the sensitive private health information (PHI) of their clients are responsible for the confidentiality and safekeeping of their client’s medical records. For lawyers engaged in litigation involving healthcare matters, understanding and adhering to requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)[1] is not just a regulatory requirement but a crucial aspect of protecting the privacy and confidentiality of individuals' health data as well as safeguarding of the firm’s reputation.

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