
10 Requirements for Connecting EHR and Medical Images

Connect your EHR and medical images without replacing your systems.

If we ignore the compliance requirements of HITECH (bear with us, we won’t make you give up your incentive payments) and focus on what physicians need to reach the goals prescribed in the original intent of the laws, what would such a system look like?

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EHR-PACS Integration: What we have here is a failure to communicate

EHR-PACS Integration: Why we're struggling to connect healthcare records and medical images

Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Picture Archive and Communication Systems (PACS) have followed very different paths resulting in structures that inherently don’t play well together. In fact, the original development of the first EHR and PACS were separated by over twenty years and several technological generations.

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Online DICOM Uploader: Take medical images from CD/DVD/USB and store in the cloud

Purview DICOM uploader sends medical images from CDs to cloud storage

At Purview, we're always looking for ways to take advantage of great technology to make things easier for our users. Part of our cloud PACS solution, Purview ViVA, is our online DICOM uploader. Simply open a web browser, click upload, drag, drop, and press start! Store your medical images in the cloud and throw your CDs away.

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