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Horos & OsiriX Won’t Let You Collaborate Live...But The Cloud Will

One of the biggest advantages that a Cloud based solution offers is the ability to collaborate with other physicians. Since childhood, the notion of teamwork is drilled into us. However, for the most part, working in concert has been a little difficult in the world of modern medicine. I’m not talking about in the Operating Theater, I’m referring to everything else. Outside that OT or OR, there really is a lack of real time collaboration. But wait! We have good news: you can now put those skills to work as you finally have the resources to collaborate with countless specialists around the real time.

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Horos & OsiriX Can Connect To The Cloud

Can Horos & OsiriX Connect To The Cloud?

The answer is YES! You most certainly can integrate Horos and OsiriX the Cloud. If you are experiencing issues with the capacity or sharing abilities of your current solution being sub par, rest assured, you’re asking the right question. However, while your viewer can connect to the Cloud, you cannot just pick any random Cloud PACS at random. In fact, there are a few conditions and caveats that you need to take into account to determine if a particular Cloud service will integrate with Horos.

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Save Time And Lives. Update The Way You Share Medical Images.

Here’s the thing, we often talk about sharing and its value in the theoretical sense in our blogs. For us, sharing is an important part of fulfilling our mission of enabling the availability of medical images wherever and whenever they are needed for patient diagnosis and treatment. Of course, being in this industry means that over time we have seen and heard our fair share of real life accounts where the immediate ability to share studies has led to significantly improved medical outcomes. That being said, we have also found that there are cases when a local onsite PACS as the sole solution for sharing medical images has led to hindered medical outcomes.

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Need Immediate Access to Patient Images? Look To The Cloud.

Ever had a patient forget their scans? How about being in the situation where you actually received the CD with the medical imaging on time, but the CD itself wouldn’t work on your system? Let's face it, canceling appointments and surgeries due to “technical difficulties” that lead back to a error prone sharing medium like CDs is just sad. We calculated it, and for canceled surgeries due to missing images, it’s tens of thousands of US dollars that go down the drain in a heartbeat...pun intended. Want to avoid this scenario all together? Stop sharing via CDs, upgrade to the 21st century, and invest in a Cloud based solution so you can access images instantly, by the click of a button.

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