
Imaging Center

Why Imaging Centers Need Cloud Access

Still burning CD’s at the end of each patient visit? That is so 1999. If you find that your imaging center has to lengthen each patient’s visit due to burning their images onto physical media and/or mailing those images out to Referring Physicians , fret not - the solution you have been waiting for is here. In fact, this is old news, because this technology has been here for some time now. So, if you are trying to get off the expensive bandwagon of burning CDs and DVDs for every patient you see, continue reading to learn how you can remedy that.

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Is There an Alternative to Burning CDs For Patient Imaging?

Anytime you see a patient that has medical imaging taken, you have to provide them copies of their information. If you don’t, then they won’t have an easy way to share that information with specialists regarding their condition. Besides, if you don’t provide them with a copy of their imaging, the responsibility is fully yours to send the imaging where it is needed. So, while we can agree that giving patients ownership with their medical imaging generally makes everyone content, is there a better and cheaper option other than burning CDs and DVDs?

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Love Open Source? A Hybrid PACS Solution Might Be For You

People like to stay in their comfort zones. And if those zones are efficient solutions, then sure - why change anything? That’s why when we hear from clients that say that they love their desktop viewer and don’t want to discontinue using Horos, OsiriX, or whatever - we get it. But a desktop viewer alone won’t solve all your problems. Here is how a hybrid solution might be what you have been waiting for…

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How to Share Your Radiology Reports in a Single Click

Just the other day I overheard someone talking to a receptionist at their doctor’s office. They were asking for the fax number so that their physical therapist could send over the report and discharge summary. Now, is it just us, or is this baffling? It’s 2018. We have the ability to literally pay with our face...on our mobile devices, but we still have to fax medical reports and records? If you don’t care to get a physical paper receipt for every cup of coffee you buy, then you probably are not too keen on having to read faxed reports with smudged ink. Share your radiology reports with a single click on a secure platform. Here’s how…

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How to Use Key Images in Your Radiology Reports

One of the many responsibilities of radiologists is to prepare a report on the cases they have read. These reports serve as a foundation to the patient’s diagnosis, prognosis, and plan of treatment. The gating factor often is the key images upon which the report is grounded. Reporting modules lacking the ability to attach or refer to key images can get to be cumbersome. It’s too many clicks and too much time wasted. If you don’t have the following key images features in your reporting solution, think again…

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