
How Can I Use Telehealth to Reach Rural Patients?

Around 15-20 percent of patients in the United States live in rural areas. Unfortunately, between primary care shortages, hospital closures, and geographic isolation, those patients are up against significant barriers to accessing healthcare. The National Rural Health Association reports there are only 30 specialists per 100,000 people in rural communities, compared to 263 specialists per 100,000 urban residents.

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Sharing Medical Records with Expert Witnesses: A Guide for Legal Professionals

As a legal professional, obtaining copies of your client's medical records can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. However, once you have the records, it's essential to use them efficiently by sharing them with medical experts or expert witnesses. Doing so requires a thorough understanding of the issues involved, including how to organize client records, share copies securely, protect PHI, and maintain attorney/client-privileged communication.

In this blog post, we'll provide a comprehensive guide on how to share medical records effectively and securely with expert witnesses. By following our tips, you can avoid delays and frustrations and maximize the value of the medical evidence in your case.

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How Much Does Purview Software Cost?

Purview is priced to meet the needs of nearly any size practice. We understand that providers generally get paid on a per visit, per procedure, or per diagnosis basis. Purview's goal is to price our solutions in a way that aligns with your business.

Purview has two major solution sets, one aimed at practices predominantly focused on medical images (or DICOM) and the other aimed at practices that utilize a more complete set of medical records, including radiology, pathology, EHR extracts, or test result.

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