Can Physicians Really Work From Anywhere?

Physicians tend to wear many hats from seeing patients, conducting research or clinical studies, providing instruction at a teaching hospital, or even handling business issues. Now, many physicians are also working across multiple facilities, requiring some to catch up on cases while they travel, or even work from home. You heard me right - some physicians can and do work from home.
In the past, remote access to medical records has been a challenge since accessing locally stored files from remote locations requires either multiple copies or a centralized database that is both accessible and secure. Depending on subspecialty, access to medical images can require different timing and utilization.
- Radiologists often view the images remotely to provide a diagnosis. This may be accomplished using a combination of viewing platforms and dictation software.
- Specialists often review patient’s prior imaging conducted at various prior locations. Imaging scans are traditionally have been brought by the patient to the appointment on a CD.
- Experts that review complex cases to provide a second opinion often do this asynchronously, from anywhere, and during anytime that is convenient.
Today, health organizations understand that remote access to medical records has become more valuable than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic made in-person collaboration and facility access impossible or impractical, forcing the healthcare industry to adapt nearly overnight. During this transition, patients and caregivers alike learned all of the ways we could benefit from working remotely, and many of these changes are here to stay. Patients learned to self-serve, saving administrators time and money by uploading their records ahead of the appointment. This small change also enabled physicians greater flexibility on when and where they could review cases, ensuring that they were better informed ahead of the patient's appointment. Providers have been able to better protect patient safety by limiting the number of sick patients waiting in their waiting room after digitizing the paperwork and spacing out appointments. The list goes on.
All of these scenarios require a centralized platform for medical record files to be uploaded, stored, and accessed from anywhere at any time. A cloud-based picture archival and communication system (PACS) stores medical images and associated documents in a centralized web-based location. The efficiencies gained by using a centralized system is exponential. Purview Image™ customers have reported:
- Dr. James, an orthopedic surgeon and Purview Image™ user, shared that being able to use a cloud based system to access patient records while traveling from each surgery center was 'a Godsend.' He uses the cloud platform to limit the travel he and his patients must endure when they are in pain, and he is not always at a facility nearby.
- Fundação Faculdade de Medicina in Brazil developed a minimally invasive autopsy method for deceased COVID-19 patients when traditional autopsies were forbidden by law in their state. They paired Horos with Purview Image to store postmortem chest CT scans in a central database accessible by the remote staff.
- Educators that used Horos to teach in-person needed a way for their students to access course content from various locations. Using Purview Image, the students were able to practice their image viewing techniques remotely
- The veterinarians at Abanimal Imagenes Diagnosticas in Colombia utilized Purview Image a few weeks after the lockdowns started in 2020 in order to have their CT scans read by a remote radiologist.
The time spent aggregating studies across modalities, or logging into multiple portals, including email, imaging, radiology reports, and billing to locate records adds up. Streamlining access and organization of medical records helps physicians to tackle their caseload with confidence.
Being able to work from anywhere at any time gives physicians much needed flexibility in their schedule when burnout is at an all-time high. Purview customers often see an immediate increase in case output, decreased turnaround times, overall productivity, and an increase in referrals from patients and physicians who are happy with their experience.
Purview Image is a PACS that makes it easier for radiologists, surgeons,
imaging centers, researchers, and other providers to do their work.
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