Empowering Women's Health 
How Peer-to-Peer Collaboration & Improved Access
to Specialty Care Can Move the Needle

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Previously Recorded - Now Available On-Demand 

Before the 1990's, women were rarely included in clinical trials, leaving medical specialists without relevant data and women missing out on the critical diagnosis and treatment they needed. Today, many medical professionals aim to close the gap. But in general, women, and particularly women of color, are still underrepresented in research. When women represent half of the population, what do we do while science tries to catch up? Join this webinar to hear how both payers and providers are working to bridge the gap and open health access through improved peer-to-peer collaboration and continuity of care. 

Dr. Sherma Morton works to advance women's health access through improved collaboration and coordination of care as National Medical Director for Women's Benefits within one of the largest payer networks in the United States. With a passion for improving disparities in black maternal health, she volunteers in a local clinic her free time, enabling and empowering women to take control of their health in her local community.

Dr. Dave Shalowitz, Director for Health Equity and Community Outreach at West Michigan Cancer Center, splits his days between treating cancer patients and implementing measures for improved health access. Between conducting research to better understand the role of technology for improved collaboration and health access to facilitating projects that enable multi-disciplinary collaboration, Dr. Shalowitz has helped to open new virtual doors for women to access the specialized care from wherever they are. 

Moderated by Samantha Winters of Purview, this webinar dives into tangible solutions healthcare organizations can put in place today to move the needle for women everywhere. 


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